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Useful links for families

Founded in 2008, the WPCC is an independent, voluntary organisation which is managed and run by parent carers, for parent carers.

In-depth advice and guidance about autism and the challenges autistic people and their families face. Topics include what is autism, diagnosis, communication, mental health, education, and more.

Creating opportunities, challenging perceptions, enhancing choices and providing high quality services to meet the diverse needs of autistic people

Wiltshire SENDIASS provides a free, confidential and impartial support service to children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), and their parents and carers. We offer information, guidance, support, and signposting, either by phone, Teams calls, on an individual or targeted basis where needed, or through events and workshops. We aim to provide easy-to-understand information to raise awareness of options available to those using our service, and support you in making informed decisions about these options.

Contact Us

SAIL (Salisbury Academy for Inspirational Learning)
Wilton Road

T: 01722 694013