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About Us

Core values & objectives

Our Trust Core Values

 • Inclusivity

Reach South is for all children. We recognise that some children will face greater barriers to their learning and development than others. We are committed to helping all children, particularly the most vulnerable, to overcome these so that they can grow and thrive to be well-rounded, healthy, educated citizens.

• Promoting social mobility

This is a fundamental driver for Reach South. Although we recognise that each school’s context and history inform our approach, this is never an excuse for accepting mediocrity or poor performance. To do this, we insist on: high standards of educational achievement; social skills and interpersonal skills; communication skills; critical thinking, problem-solving and creativity; understanding of society, economy, environment and an appreciation of contribution and participation.

• Serving our local communities

 Children’s education cannot be isolated from their social context and, particularly their family and peer environment. To raise a child’s aspirations beyond their expectations, we must also raise the aspiration of their families and the wider community.

• Believing in the potential of our young people

Aspiration is a precursor to self-improvement; it is not sufficient in and of itself, but limited aspiration will limit achievement. It is our duty to believe in the potential of all our children and to make that belief infectious.

• Preparing tomorrow’s adults to contribute to social, economic, environmental and cultural sustainable development

We educate children to improve their own life chances and opportunities, but we also educate them as trusted members of a community and a global society.

Our Trust values (above) clearly accord with the identified priorities of the Wiltshire SEND strategy for Children and Young People 0-25.

• Clear, comprehensive and accessible information

• Right place and right time

• Improving outcomes & practice

• Focus on inclusion – Early identification, positive engagement & improved transitions

• Support to settings and staff

Contact Us

SAIL (Salisbury Academy for Inspirational Learning)
Wilton Road

T: 01722 694013